Dr Suryati Yakob is a consultant nephrologist currently practicing in Hospital Kuala Lumpur. She graduated from National University of Malaysia and later attained MRCP in 2006 and FRCP in 2014. She has served in various hospitals in Malaysia and has been in nephrology fraternity since 2008. She is members to multiple learned societies locally such as Malaysian Society of Nephrology, Postgraduate Renal Society of Malaysia and Malaysian Society of Transplantation. Internationally and internationally, member of International Society of Nephrology and American Society of Nephrology. At present, she is the president of Malaysian Society of Diagnostic Interventional Nephrology(MSDIN) effectively from April 2024. She has special interest in Intervention Nephrology and attained Fellowship in Critical Care Ultrasound and Echocardiography under WINFOCUS (World Interactive Network Focused On Critical Ultrasound) program for point of care ultrasound.
13 September 2024 - Pre Conference Workshop
Time |
Session |
Level 13, Conference Room 2, Menara Selatan
Registration of Participants
Welcome and Introduction
AVF Assessment: Understanding USG & basic operations of USG machine
AVF Assessment: USG assessment of HD access - good and dysfunctional access
USG Cannulation: Application of USG in my daily practice in dialysis centre
USG Cannulation: USG guided access cannulation
Tea Break
Station 1: Mannequin 1 - HD Cannulation
Station 2: Mannequin 2 - Endoplasty
Station 3: Ultrasound Machine 1 - AVF Stenosis
Station 4: Ultrasound Machine 2 - AV graft
Station 5: Mannequin 3 - AVF Aneurysm
Lunch Break
Station 6: Ultrasound Machine 3 - Native AVF
Station 7: Mannequin 4 - CVO/Steal
Station 8: Ultrasound Machine 4 - AVF assessment
Assessment and Evaluation
University Malaya Medical Centre